Hello, I'm David Price, Owner and Creative Director of Black Olive Photographic and I'm here to introduce to you a new project in the works – The Reformation Project.
The Reformation Project is an endeavor recreate key events in history via the photographic medium. Our goal is to create story driven art work that is historically accurate and that will bring awareness to historical figures who were pivotal in ushering Christ's Kingdom here on Earth. It is our hope to achieve a visual outcome very similar to famous pieces by Rembrandt.
(Right: Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee)
(Below: The Blinding of Samson)

Why is this important? Quality art has the ability to leave an impression on its viewer and affect them emotionally whether they like it or not. In addition, it is capable of spanning generations, sparks conversations and make people step back and question their understanding and even beliefs. For our images to be affective they must be accurate. The Reformation Project is committed to taking every detail into consideration. We want our images to be as authentic as possible as well as magnificent pieces' of art that boldly proclaim the truth of God's promises to His people.